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Hybrid Power Generation Systems
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Save Fuel, Reduce Maintenance Cycles with Hybrid Power Generation Systems
Available Models

4.5kW Hybrid Power Generation System
Renewable power source integration reduces fossil fuel use, meets power demands
The components’ modularity and scalability allow you to build a more operationally, cost-effective power due to the system’s composition, inputs, and configuration:
- System composition:
- Fossil fuel DC generator
- Batteries for energy storage
- Inverters for AC power
- Inputs for renewable, alternative energy such as wind and solar
- System configuration – transit cases, ISO container, trailer mounted unit
- Fossil fuel reduction of 30% before system optimization with alternative energy sources
- Scalable to the system’s power needs
Hybrid Specification Sheet

2kW Enclosed Hybrid Generator
Additional enclosed hybrid generator features:
- Digital generator controller
- Electric self-bleeding fuel pump
- Enhanced air filtering system
- Low fuel usage
- The 2kW power output means less housekeeping
Enclosed 28V DC Current Limiting Generator Specification Sheet

Battery Charging Auxiliary Power Unit (BAPU)
Based on our 2kW military heritage, enables the battery charging auxiliary power unit (BAPU) provides a simple power source that is lightweight yet highly reliable and easy to maintain. It is an open frame, heavy fuel generator set that provides a full 3kW military-rated 28V DC power supply in temperatures ranging from -35° F to 130° F, making it suitable to charge batteries—across multiple battery chemistries—under extreme temperatures. The optional enhanced air filter system also enables the BAPU to also operate in extreme sandy and dusty environments.
This basic design can be configured to provide additional power levels such as:
- 3.5kW of current limited 28V DC at 70°F, derated power output to 130°F
- 4.5kW of current limited 28V DC at 70°F, derated power output to 130°F
Features that offer flexibility in the field:
The BAPU is designed to be mounted on the ground or on a vehicle with mounting feet adapters.
- Local control panel that provides voltage and current displays
- A current limiting voltage regulator
- Self-bleeding fuel system for vehicle or remote fuel tank interconnections
- Option to cable a remote-control panel to the unit for monitoring and control of the BAPU from over 30 feet away
- Electric fuel pump with 72-inch lift
- Electric start from customer battery
- Meets Mil-Std-810 sand and dust
- Remote control via optional control box
- Simple one-switch operation
28V DC 3.5kW BAPU Specification Sheet